UPS Power Problems Defined

Power Problems?

What sort of power problems can affect your business? Here are all the problems you can face or may have faced already faced.

Power Surges

A power surge occurs when the voltage exceeds 110% of the rated RMS voltage range, which is the range of usable voltage, for one or more cycles. This can be caused by heavy electrical equipment being turned off, which can cause a sudden surge of electrical energy.

The effects of a power surge can lead to memory loss, data errors, flickering lights and unsafe equipment shutdown. This is because the sudden increase in voltage can cause damage to electronic devices and their components, such as circuit boards and processors.


High Voltage Spikes

A transient voltage surge is a sudden and brief increase in voltage, lasting from 100 milliseconds (1/10th of a second) to half a cycle, with a peak voltage of up to 6,000 volts. These surges can be caused by various factors such as lightning strikes, switching operations, arcing faults, and static discharge.

The effects that will impact you from a transient voltage surge can be severe and damaging, including memory loss, data errors, data loss, component stress, and burned circuit boards. These can be expensive fixes, electronic devices can be vulnerable to these surges, which can cause permanent damage or significantly shorten their lifespan.


Switching Transients

Switching transients refer to a sudden and rapid increase in voltage, lasting from 10 milliseconds to 100 milliseconds, with a peak voltage of up to 20,000 volts. These transients can be caused by lightning strikes, switching operations, arcing faults, and static discharge.

The effects of switching transients can be seriously problematic, causing memory loss, data errors, data loss, component stress, and burned circuit boards. Electronic devices can be vulnerable to these transients, which can cause permanent damage or significantly shorten their lifespan.


Power Sags

Power sags occur when the voltage drops below 80% to 85% of the rated RMS voltage for one or more cycles. This can be caused by heavy equipment being turned on, starting large electrical motors, or switching power mains, either internally or by the utility company.

The effects of power sags can be damaging, leading to memory loss, data errors, flickering lights, and equipment shutdown. This is because the decrease in voltage can cause electronic devices to malfunction, leading to data loss or component failure.


Frequency Variation

Frequency variation is defined as a change in frequency of more than 3 Hz. This can be caused by erratic operation of emergency power generators or unstable frequency power sources.

The effects of frequency variation can lead to data errors, data loss, keyboard lockup, storage loss, and system lockup. This is because electronic devices are designed to operate within specific frequency ranges, and significant variations can cause malfunctions or damage to hard to replace components.



A brownout is a situation where the steady state of RMS voltage is below the nominal voltage by a relatively constant percentage. This can be caused by heavy equipment being turned on, starting large electrical motors, switching power mains (internally or by the utility company), or over-loaded circuits.

The effects of a brownout can be severe, leading to disk crashes, keyboard lockups, program failures, data corruption, premature hardware failure, data loss, and corruption. This is because the decrease in voltage can cause electronic devices to malfunction or fail, leading to data loss or component failure.


Power Failures

Power failures are defined as a zero voltage condition lasting for more than two cycles. This can be caused by a circuit breaker being tripped, power distribution failure, or utility power failure.

The effects of power failures will be devestating, leading to file corruption, hardware damage, data loss, and corruption. This is because electronic devices rely on a continuous power supply to function correctly, and an abrupt loss of power can cause data loss or damage to hardware components.

If you have any questions about your power problem, please contact us using the form below.

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