Riello UPS Sentinel Dual 10KVA SDU (SDU 10000)

Riello UPS Sentinel Dual 10KVA SDU (SDU 10000) Sentinel Dual is the best solution for powering mission critical applications and electro-medical devices requiring maximum power reliability. Flexibility of installation and use (digital display, user-replaceable battery set), as well as the many communication options available, makes the Sentinel Dual suitable for many different applications from IT to security. Up to 3 Sentinel Duals can be operated in parallel.

Riello UPS Sentinel Dual 10KVA SDU (SDU 10000) Information



The wide input voltage range and a high
hold-up time minimise battery usage and
increase efficiency and battery life; for
smaller power breaks, energy is drawn
from a group of appropriately-sized


• Automatic and manual battery test


This configuration ensures the operation
of those emergency systems that require
continuous, reliable and long-lasting
power supply in the event of a mains
power failure, such as emergency lighting,
fire detection/extinguishing systems and
alarms. When the mains power supply
fails, the inverter begins powering the
loads with a progressive start up (Soft
Start) in order to prevent overload.


Operating mode selection
Functions can be programmed via software or manually via the front display panel.
On line: efficiency up to 95%
Eco Mode: to increase efficiency (up to to 98%), allows for the selection of Line Interactive technology (VI) to power low priority loads from the mains supply
Smart Active: the UPS automatically decides upon the operating mode (VI or VFI) based on the quality of the mains power supply
Emergency: the UPS can be selected to function only when the mains power supply fails (emergency only mode).
Frequency converter operation (50 or 60 Hz).

• Power factor 1 kW = kVA*
• Parallelable up to 3 units
• Simplified Installation
• Operating mode selection
• High quality output voltage
• High battery reliability

Weight 83.000000
Dimensions 262 x 1280 x 896 cm
Application Servers and Networking
Standalone / Modular Rack Mount, Standalone
System Brand Riello UPS
kVA 0-10 KVA, 10-20 KVA


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