
Part 1 – Planning your standby power requirements

Part 1 - Companies now understand that the only way to guarantee the continuity of their business operations even against a power cut is to have a power solution put in place to protect them. UPS power supplies is a must have Standby Power strategy.

The type of business you have will have a significant impact on the decision-making on what backup power strategy you will have installed and that's why here at Computer Power Protection our team is happy to assist you in finding the best strategy for protection.

Uncertain power quality

The National Grid's unknown quality of energy can result in serious issues as well as power outages. Electrical surges, dips, and brief power interruptions all negatively affect delicate electrical equipment which may cause damage and will need repairing. Your Continuity Plan will reflect your business's needs. For those companies that use power.

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Standby Power Strategy

Standby Power strategy is the answer to these problems.

Would you want your organisation to run with zero phones, no emergency lighting, and no way to cool down your computers or servers or even yourself? Don't forget, no coffee either!

Evaluating the business need

But How do you figure out the continuity and recovery requirements that you need for your company? Which critical business systems require short-term power protection and which require a long-term power source?

It is important to consider the dangers your business might face if systems that require power were to fail either because of electrical instability affecting the power supply or a total loss of power as a starting point.

Classifying your equipment

When looking at things from a business perspective, you can categorise each piece of equipment according to the power protection it needs. This will allow you to determine the appropriate level of power protection for each system.

‘Critical’ systems are those that cannot be allowed to fail. They must always have power or for as long as possible, if not indefinitely. If the equipment was not designed to withstand power breaks of more than 4 or 5 milliseconds, so the critical category requires an uninterruptible power supply. Critical systems are prioritised.

‘Sensitive’ systems require a ‘clean’ shutdown and cannot withstand power fluctuations or the delay in starting up a generator otherwise serious damage will be caused and key data can be lost. They require a UPS system to provide power to the equipment whilst it shuts down cleanly and, if required, completes a backup of data. ‘Sensitive’ systems require UPS Standby Power.

‘Essential’ systems are those that must be supplied with power in the event of a power failure but can withstand a short power interruption.

‘Other’ electrical loads are those that can be allowed to fail like your kettle or microwave. these will not compromise critical systems, the health and safety of staff or customers, and will not damage the equipment in any way. ‘Other’ systems may not require any Standby Power at all.

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